Saturday, October 20, 2012

Heartwarming Tearjerker: Autistic Girl duets with ... - Elephant Journal

This is the best of America.

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To help give people with autism the chance they deserve to reach their potential go to or text STARS to 50555 to donate $10. Night of Too Many Stars airs Sunday, October 21 at 8/7c on Comedy Central.

Katy Perry and Jodi DiPiazza sing ?Firework? at the Beacon Theater in New York. ?Night of Too Many Stars: America Comes Together for Autism Programs? is hosted by Jon Stewart and raises money for autism programs, schools, and services all over the country.

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Sunday night?s live celebrity phone bank includes Tom Hanks, Jerry Seinfeld, Julianne Moore, Seth Meyers, Jimmy Kimmel, and Al Pacino. For more highlight previews go to

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Waylon Lewis, founder of elephant magazine, now & host of Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis, is a 1st generation American Buddhist ?Dharma Brat." Voted #1 in U.S. on twitter for #green two years running, Changemaker & Eco Ambassador by Treehugger, Green Hero by Discovery?s Planet Green, Best (!) Shameless Self-Promoter at Westword's Web Awards, Prominent Buddhist by Shambhala Sun, & 100 Most Influential People in Health & Fitness 2011 by "Greatist", Waylon is a mediocre climber, lazy yogi, 365-day bicycle commuter & best friend to Redford (his rescue hound). His aim: to bring the good news re: "the mindful life" beyond the choir & to all those who didn't know they gave a care. | | | | | Google+ For more: publisherelephantjournalcom


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Jobs in battleground states?key to election

Swing state jobless rates

Swing State Jobless

Much of the U.S. presidential campaign has focused on the national jobless rate, but unemployment levels vary widely in critical swing states considered up for grabs. (Mouse over states for results.)


By John W. Schoen, NBC News

President Barack Obama got some welcome news earlier this month when the government reported that the national unemployment rate fell below 8 percent - to 7.8 percent - for the first time since he took office.?

But with less than three weeks to go before Election Day, the jobless rates that matter most are the ones in just a handful of states that are up for grabs.

Pundits have argued for months that the president faced a very tough re-election campaign with a national jobless rate that remained stubbornly above 8 percent for 43 months, the longest stretch since the Great Depression.

The latest data on regional and state unemployment rates show they were mostly lower in September. The jobless rate fell in 41 states and the District of Columbia compared?to August. It?rose in six and was unchanged in three states.?Compared to a year ago, jobless rates fell in 44 states and the District of Columbia and rose in six.

Like economic conditions generally, the recession had a very uneven impact on job markets in various regions of the country. Midwest states mostly escaped the housing boom that led to the bust that brought on the Great Recession. Rising energy prices have lifted the economies of energy-rich states like North Dakota. The impact from the ongoing housing bust has been concentrated in a handful of states including Florida and Nevada.

That?s why the health of the job markets in the key ?battleground? states will likely have a greater impact than the national, headline number.

Here?s a look at the job outlook in ten key states, as of September, based on the latest jobless data released by the government Friday.

Florida: 29 electoral votes/8.7 percent jobless rate

Of all the battleground states Florida carries the most weight. It?s the state, after all, where a few hundred dangling chads in 2000 swung its 29 electoral votes, and the election, in George W. Bush?s favor.

Florida has been among the hardest hit by the housing crisis and it's still digging out from a deep real estate hole. After a steady decline from a peak of 11.4 percent in early 2010, the unemployment rate has been falling gradually along with the national number. After inching up again this summer, the notched down again in September.

The state is very much a toss-up, according to the latest NBCNews/WSJ/Marist poll. Going into the latest debate this week, the state was a 1-point race with Obama leading Gov. Mitt Romney 47 percent to 46 percent. The most recent numbers show the two locked in a virtual dead heat, with Obama leading 48 percent to 47 percent.

Ohio: 18 electoral votes/7.0 percent jobless rate

Hard-hit by the recession-driven manufacturing downturn, Ohio has seen some improvement as a pickup in car sales has helped boost orders for automakers and parts suppliers dotting the state. Ohio?s unemployment rate peaked in 2010 and has steadily fallen below the national average to the current 7.0 percent rate.

But the drop has been for the wrong reasons: job creation has been much slower than the shrinkage in the state?s labor force as discouraged job seekers have left the state, retired, gone back to school or given up looking. Since peaking in early 2009, Ohio?s labor force has shrunk by 200,000 ? or nearly 4 percent.

In this week?s NBC News/WSJ/Marist poll, after a renewed focus by the Romney campaign, Obama leads 51 percent to 45 percent.

North Carolina: 15 electoral votes/9.6 percent unemployment

In contrast to Ohio, North Carolina?s jobless rate is higher than the national average, for the opposite reasons. Job creation has gained steadily since the end of the 2007 recession; employers in the Tar Heel state have added 1.4 million jobs in the past three years, a gain of 3.5 percent. But thanks to an influx of workers attracted by all those new jobs, the labor force has swollen by 1.6 million. That?s kept the jobless rate higher than it would have been if the labor force had remained the same size.

Recent polling data are not available for the state.

Michigan: 16 electoral votes/ 9.3 percent unemployment.

Michigan was one of the states hardest hit by the near collapse of the auto industry in 2008, which is why the Obama campaign has gone to great lengths to take credit for providing the industry with government help. From a peak of 14.2 percent in mid-2009, the jobless rate has fallen steadily.

But only because, like Ohio, a big chunk of Michigan?s labor force has left the state?s job market.

While car sales may have rebounded in the past year, employment in Michigan is still half a million jobs below pre-recession levels. That?s slightly more than the 420,000 people who are no longer looking for work in the state.

The hollowing out of the state?s workforce continues. And after small but steady job gains, overall employment levels began falling again this spring. That sent the jobless rate back on the upswing in August ? up 0.4 percent from July. The rate eased a notch to 9.3 percent in September.

The latest opinion polls show the president holding a lead in the state that Romney's father once served as governor ? and which is still considered a battleground state by political analysts. The race has tightened, though.

The president leads Romney, 52 percent to 38 percent according to the latest Detroit News/ WDIV Local 4 poll. Obama had a 14.2 point lead last month following a bump from the Democratic National Convention; but that edge has shrunk to 6.7 points after the first presidential debate. Obama now leads Romney in Michigan 49 percent to 42.3 percent, with 7.7 percent of voters undecided.

Virginia: 13 electoral votes/5.9 percent unemployment

Virginia is one of the few states that escaped the recession largely unscathed. The?state continues to enjoy a much better job market than the national average, largely because of the steady flow of government jobs and contracts to residents of?Virginia's, Washington,?D.C., suburbs.

The jobless rate peaked at 7.3 percent in January 2010, and fell steadily to 5.6 percent this summer, but as the pace of layoffs for federal workers has picked up, so has the state?s jobless rate. And with cuts in federal spending looming, that bright job outlook could darken next year.

Romney saw his largest gains this week in Virginia, where he now edges the president 48 percent to 47 percent, a 3-point reversal from last week?s NBCNews/WSJ/Marist poll, released the day of the first presidential debate. The spread is within the poll?s margin of error.

Wisconsin: 10 electoral votes/7.3 percent unemployment

Unemployment in Wisconsin peaked at 9.1 percent in 2010 and has trended lower since the recession ended. But those gradual employment gains?reversed course sharply beginning this spring, adding six-tenths of a percent?to the jobless rate since April.

The most recent data show the jobless rate trending lower again, beginning in August and falling another two-tenths of a percent in September.

In Wisconsin, Obama is ahead by six points among likely voters, 51 percent to 45 percent, which also is virtually unchanged from last month

Colorado 9 electoral votes/8.0 percent unemployment

Colorado also has yet to recover the more than 100,000 jobs the state lost to the recession. With its workforce roughly unchanged, that slow job growth has recently nudged its jobless rate?back up. Unemployment fell from a peak of 9.0 percent in November 2010 to 7.8 percent this January.

Romney pulled a percentage point ahead of Obama in the state, according to recent Denver Post poll, which means the two are still effectively tied.?Romney's one-point lead represents a small shift from a Post poll five weeks ago showing Obama with a one-point, 47-46, advantage.

Iowa: 6 electoral votes/5.2 percent unemployment

Iowa largely escaped the housing boom that fed the bust and recession, but its job market still felt the blow. Going into the recession, the state had one of the lowest unemployment levels in the country, at 3.8 percent, though it rose sharply ? to 6.3 percent ? when the financial storm hit.

Since then, with a highly stable labor force and steady gains in hiring, the jobless rate has fallen gradually, hitting 5.1 percent in June. After bumping up again this spring, the jobless rate is?again?trending?lower.

According to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll ? which was conducted from Monday through Wednesday, encompassing Tuesday?s presidential debate in New York? Obama receives the support of 51 percent of likely voters in Iowa to Romney?s 43 percent.?That eight-point margin is unchanged from the NBC/WSJ/Marist poll released last month (before the debate season began), when the president led his Republican opponent 50 percent to 42 percent.

Nevada 6 electoral votes/11.8 percent unemployment

Like its housing market, Nevada saw one of the sharpest reversals of fortune in the jobs numbers when the recession sent the unemployment rate from a pre-recession 4.2 percent to a peak of 14.0 percent in October 2010. Since then, the recovery has been steady, but slow.

Obama recovered some lost ground among older Nevada voters since his first-debate against Romney, according to a new poll, commissioned by the Las Vegas Review-Journal and 8NewsNow, that shows the president holding a three-point edge over Romney, 48 percent to 45 percent.

Romney expanded his lead over Obama among independents, according to the survey

New Hampshire: 4 electoral votes/5.7 percent unemployment

The Granite state also entered the recession with among the lowest jobless rates in the country, 3.4 percent, but also saw a sharp spike (to 6.7 percent) which has been gradually receding. By April of this year, the rate had fallen to 5.0 percent. But employment levels began rising again this summer.

The New Hampshire race is tied, according to a recent WHDH 7News Suffolk University poll, which shows both Romney and Obama winning 47 percent of the vote.

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Syria vows to 'crush' rebels, launches new attacks

In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian President Bashar Assad greets military officers in a ceremony marking the anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war in Damascus, Syria, Saturday, October 6, 2012. (AP Photo/SANA)

In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian President Bashar Assad greets military officers in a ceremony marking the anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war in Damascus, Syria, Saturday, October 6, 2012. (AP Photo/SANA)

In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, a Russian plane carrying medical aid supplies is unloaded at the international airport in the Syrian capital Damascus on Saturday, October 6, 2012. The Russian government said the medicines and equipment had been approved by the Syrian Health Ministry. (AP Photo/SANA)

In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, a Russian plane carrying medical aid supplies is unloaded at the international airport in the Syrian capital Damascus on Saturday, October 6, 2012. The Russian government said the medicines and equipment had been approved by the Syrian Health Ministry. (AP Photo/SANA)

In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian President Bashar Assad lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier marking the anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war in Damascus, Syria, Saturday, October, 6, 2012. (AP Photo/SANA)

(AP) ? Syria's military will "crush" armed rebels, President Bashar Assad's defense minister warned Saturday, as the regime shelled rebel positions in two cities and near the Lebanese border in a widening offensive.

Neighboring Turkey, meanwhile, set new rules of engagement after three shells from Syria hit Turkish territory Saturday. Turkey retaliated with artillery, as it has for the past four days, and Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said this would now be the standard response.

Davutoglu insisted that "we haven't taken a step toward war," but Turkey's threat to fire back for each errant Syrian shell was bound to keep border tensions high. Turkey is one of Assad's harshest critics and a key supporter of Syria's opposition.

The latest Syria-Turkey crisis erupted earlier this week, after a Syrian shell killed five civilians in a Turkish border town.

The Syrian regime has apologized and tried to defuse tensions by pulling some tanks back from the border, according to a Turkish Foreign Ministry official who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government regulations.

Still, the week's daily cross-border exchanges have heightened fears of a regional conflagration.

Syrian mortar rounds are likely to hit Turkey again as regime forces try to retake rebel-controlled areas near the border. Two of the shells that fell in Turkey on Saturday were fired in clashes between government troops and opposition fighters in a Syrian border village.

Syria's civil war has been stalemated for months, but Syrian Defense Minister Gen. Fahd Jassem al-Freij insisted Saturday that the regime is gaining the upper hand.

The government denies it is facing a home-grown rebellion, saying it is being targeted by a foreign conspiracy against the regime's support for anti-Israeli groups.

"The most dangerous parts of the conspiracy have ... passed and the killing is on its way to decline," said al-Freij, who was named to the job after his predecessor was assassinated in July. He offered amnesty to rebels who repent but said those who don't "will be crushed under the feet of our soldiers."

The Syrian president, meanwhile, made a rare public appearance Saturday to commemorate the anniversary of the outbreak of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, also known as the October War.

Assad laid a wreath at the country's statue of the Unknown Soldier in Damascus, then passed along a line of saluting army commanders in dress uniform, shaking hands with each. The ceremony, broadcast live on Syrian TV, seemed designed to show Assad remains in control.

Syria's state-run news agency SANA linked Saturday's anniversary to the current conflict, saying that in both cases "Syria is facing an enemy armed with Western and Israeli weapons."

Along with regime's new warnings to the rebels, Syrian troops backed by warplanes and combat helicopters launched attacks on rebel-held areas near the Syrian town of Quseir, close to Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, on Saturday, Lebanese security officials said.

Opposition activists also reported intense government shelling in the northern city of Aleppo, Syria's largest and a commercial hub, and in the central city of Homs.

The battlefield stalemate is most apparent in those two cities.

Syrian forces have been bombing and shelling from a distance but have been unable to dislodge opposition fighters holed up in devastated neighborhoods. Retaking Aleppo and Homs could give the regime some breathing room.

In Aleppo, government forces gained some ground in recent house-to-house combat, according to an Associated Press journalist in the city.

On Saturday, government troops captured the city's Sakhour roundabout after days of heavy fighting, a Syrian official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Heavy shelling also was reported in Taibeh, a town near Homs, an early center of the uprising. Opposition activists said at least 10 people were killed and dozens wounded.

Amateur video from Taibeh, posted Saturday, showed several badly disfigured bodies being pulled from the back of a pickup truck by distraught bystanders. One body was carried away on a red stretcher.

In another video, masked rebel fighters posed with assault rifles in what they said is an air defense base east of Damascus they captured earlier in the week.

The video showed captured weapons, including anti-aircraft missiles, heavy machine guns and large-caliber ammunition. The rebels surrounded a group of captured regime soldiers. The captives, some with bandages on their heads, each stood up and gave their rank and name.

The authenticity of such videos cannot be confirmed independently because Syria imposes tight restrictions on foreign journalists.

In a success for the opposition activists said, rebel fighters took control of the village of Khirbet el-Jouz in Syria's northwestern Idlib province, about 16 kilometers (10 miles) from the Turkish town of Guvecci.

Turkey's state-run Anadolu Agency said that rebels planted their flag on the roof of a building that had been used as a base by regime troops in the village. The takeover came after intense clashes, with mortar shells exploding at a relentless pace, some near the Turkish border, Anadolu said.

Two of the mortars from that battle landed in Turkey, and a third shell hit later in another village in Turkey's Hatay province. No casualties were reported, but Turkish forces returned fire each time, according to Anadolu and the Hatay governor's office.

Earlier this week, Turkey's parliament approved such retaliation, expanding Turkey's response options. Turkey's leaders have reiterated that they don't want war with Syria, but another dramatic or deadly border incident could force unwanted escalation.

In another international entanglement, Assad ally Iran appealed to rebel backers Turkey and Qatar to help release 48 Iranians purportedly being held by Syrian rebels since August.

In amateur video posted late Thursday, rebels threatened to kill the captives by the end of the weekend unless the regime halts military operations against the opposition.

Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi spoke by phone Saturday with the Qatari prime minister and the Turkish foreign minister and received assurances they would try to help, Iran's state news agency IRNA reported.

Iran says those abducted were pilgrims visiting a Shiite shrine in Damascus. The Syrian opposition claims they are members of the elite Revolutionary Guard helping the Syrian regime.


Associated Press writer Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey, Ali Akbar Dareini in Tehran, Iran, and Bassem Mroue in Beirut contributed reporting.

Associated Press


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How can I help a friend who's spreading malware?

18 hrs.

Q.?One of my friends recently sent some pretty suspicious links to his entire address book and his friends on Facebook. He sent another message later to say he didn't do it, but doesn't know how it happened, and to tell everyone not to open links from him. How can I help him get his computer straight, and make sure notes I get from him are safe to click? ?

A. It's admirable of you to actually take an interest in helping your friend fix this problem, especially after you've been on the business end of whatever's going on with his system. Thankfully, it's not too difficult to fix them up without getting caught up in the quagmire of being someone's in-pocket computer support person. If you care enough to lend a helping hand, here's how you can do it.

Make sure there's actually a problem first

First of all, make sure your friend has actually asked for your help. Offer it if you want, but if they turn you down, don't press and focus on your own security. If your friend's address has been spoofed by spammers, there may be nothing anyone can do about it except relax and know that it'll all blow over. If your friend is inadvertently sending Facebook messages to friends, there may be a bigger problem or their account may be hacked. Here are a couple of ways you can make sure there's actually something to help your friend with before you stick your nose in:

  • Check the offending emails to see if your friend is the source. If suspicious email is the problem, check the mail headers to make sure the email actually came from your friend, and not someone who's spoofing their name or email address. How you do this varies among email apps, but we cover most of the big ones here. Keep in mind that even if your friend isn't the source, that doesn't mean they're in the clear.?
  • Ask your friend how they found out about the problem. Make sure "address book" and "all Facebook friends" doesn't translate to "one person." Ask them to check their Sent Items and Sent Messages on Facebook to see if the messages were sent from their account versus some other application somewhere else. Ask them when the last time they've changed their passwords are, or whether they use different passwords for different services. That could be the problem right there???but before you go telling them to change their passwords, we have some more work to do first.

Clean up your friend's computer (and their behavior!)

Buckle?up, we're going malware hunting. The first step is to wrangle all of the computers your friend uses, scrub them clean, and review their commonly used Web?apps and Web services to make sure they're not compromised. You can walk your friend through these steps, or if you're not nearby or want to hold their hand a bit, grab your favorite screen-sharing or remote desktop tool and connect to their computer directly. Make sure to talk them through this though???you're teaching them to fish, not giving them one.

  • Find out how many computers your friend uses, and where they've logged in to the offending services. If your friend is sending IMs with spam links in them, find out where they use that screen name. If the problem is Facebook messages, ask them out where they log in to Facebook, or better yet, direct them to Facebook's account security page and ask them to review their active sessions for any unfamiliar locations. You may also want to have them turn on two-factor authentication and login approvals, so every time someone tries to log in at a new location, they'll have to authorize it. If they're a Gmail user, Gmail can show you where you logged in last as well. If you or your friend see anything unusual, go ahead and log them all out. While you're in their account security settings, make sure you disable or remove apps or third-party services you no longer use (and that may be posting on your behalf.) Here's how to do this on Facebook, and on Twitter.
  • Scan the offending computers for malware. How you go about this is up to you, but we loveMicrosoft Security Essentials for Windows. If your friend is using a Mac, they probably don't have virus protection, but you'll need some to scan their email and avoid sending malware to others. Scan anyway, just to be sure. Finally, even if the issue isn't a virus or trojan of some kind, it could be some other malware or adware that requires a different scanner to remove. Make sure you scrub that system nice and clean, and show your friend how to use and update their antivirus and anti-malware tools if they haven't been.
  • Once the system is clean, start changing passwords (or better yet, get a password manager!) Only after you've made sure your friend's computer is good and clean and free of any malware that may be watching what he's doing should you encourage them to change their passwords and practice good password hygiene. At this point, it's most important to change the passwords to the services they're having problems with???whether it's AIM, their email account, their Facebook account, or whatever other service is sending out spam or malware under their name. Push them to strong, separate passwords for different services, two-factor authentication wherever possible, and, if they're overwhelmed by all of the rules, suggest a password manager like LastPass or Dashlane that makes it easy to audit, reset, and manage passwords for multiple services on multiple devices.
  • Watch carefully. Okay, so we have added security enabled on Web?apps and services, a clean computer?and freshly changed (and now secure, separate) passwords. Now it's time to watch and see if the issue recurs. If it does, make sure you didn't miss a computer somewhere (like a work PC, or a kid's system logged in under their name.) Odds are, it won't???even if the original issue wasn't due to a hack or phishing attempt and was simple, blind spoofing instead, your friend has now vastly improved their personal security, which is a win in our book. Also make sure nothing else suspicious happens???depending on what the root cause was, whether it was a trojan or a hacked account or a keylogger of some kind, whoever has your information may try to use it offline as well.?

The area we haven't really addressed in these steps are mobile devices, and largely because mobile threats are?on the rise, but beyond obtaining physical access to your device, the best protection for your mobile are?common sense?and?built-in security tools. There?are some options?though.

Upgrade your own security, too

You've taken this opportunity to teach your friend how to secure their system, and possibly how to remove a lurking threat that's been with them all along, which is great! Your friend is lucky that the issue was only some spam emails or suspicious IMs or Facebook messages, and not something like wholesale identity theft, or a Mat Honan-scale hack, but eternal vigilance doesn't end with you teaching someone else how to protect themselves. Make sure you're buttoned up too.

Whether you inadvertently clicked on a link your friend sent you or you just noticed it, make sure to take your own good advice and audit your password security, get a password manager that works for you, and that your own anti-virus and anti-malware tools are up to date and running regular scans. If you choose to fly without a net and you don't have anti-virus installed, you can still do with the occasional scan with a Web?app like Trend Micro's Housecall, and make sure you're keeping apps like Flash and Java up to date to avoid the inevitable holes and zero-day exploits that turn up for them every other week.

With a little effort, you'll have added two users to the pool of users who know how to take care of their security, and who hopefully won't have significant security problems ever again.

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Thurston home sales rise 17 percent in September - The Business ...

Rolf Boone/The Business Blog ? Published October 07, 2012 Modified October 07, 2012

Thurston home sales rose by a double-digit margin in September, making it the third consecutive month in which sales have shown significant increases, according to new Northwest Multiple Listing Service data.

On a year-over-year basis, home sales rose 14 percent in July, 27 percent in August and 17.48 percent in September, according to the combined single-family residence and condo data released by the Northwest MLS. Sales increased to 289 units last month from 246 units in September 2001.

Although sales rose in September, median prices fell 4.07 percent to $211,000 last month from $219,950 in September 2011, the combined data show. Pending sales were flat in the same year-over-year period, while the total number of homes for sale fell 26 percent and new listings in September fell to 323 units from 398 units.

Here is the single-family residence data for September 2012/2011:

-Sales rose 19.67 percent to 286 units from 239 units.

-Median prices fell 4.29 percent to $212,475 from $222,000.

-Pending sales rose 2.3 percent to 311 units from 304 units.

-Number of residences for sale fell 27 percent to 1,222 units from 1,674 units.

-Number of new listings in September fell to 313 units from 388 units.

Here is the condo data for September 2012/2011:

-Sales fell to three units from seven units.

-Median prices rose to $112,000 from $89,000.

-Pending sales fell to six units from 10 units.

-Number of condos for sale fell 12.86 percent to 61 units from 70 units.

-Number of new condo listings in September was unchanged at 10 units.


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