Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6 Evident Problems With Couples Relationships - Ayushveda

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6 Evident Problems With Couples Relationships The essence of relationships is adorned by the versatility lying within. The innate ability of relationships to adapt for favorable consequences gives meaning and attractiveness to both men and women for experiencing bliss and happiness. The ups and downs couples experience in a relationship can give them stronger reasons to complement each other.

But when differences become serious problems, a relationship can pine for the healing touch. Problems with relationships are actually not hitches so far you have the zeal to work towards the betterment of your relationship. However, problems with relationships can upset and even kill a relationship when left unattended and uncared.

Being prepared for problems provides you better opportunities to deal with them, at least emotionally. Otherwise, even a small difference of opinion can cause bitterness and damage beyond repair. Do not overlook the vivid problems with relationships as these can serve as warning signals to provide timely resolution.

Grab each and every opportunity to fix problems so that they do not take too heavy a toll on your life. Couples? relationships should be a matter of choice, not chance.?Be cautious when you observe one or more of the following problems with relationships.

Problems With Couples Relationships

Blending Attitude With Gratitude

Relationships necessarily do not turn unfavorable for couples due to inclusion of a negative element as jealousy, infidelity and resentment. The lack of gratitude and appreciation can also create bad vibes for relationships. Lack of gratitude gives a feel that you consider your partner for granted and sideline the opportunities to enjoy the good things in life.

What if he cooks one day? Cooking is not one?s authority! This intrusion of attitude overpowers gratitude and the (few words of) appreciation or gestures which could have made your partner feel delighted (without your losing anything). If something stops you from ushering praise for your partner, it is a warning sign that you are going to face problem(s) sooner or later.?Expression of appreciation is very important, especially for men, to help your relationship traverse the journey (particularly during the ?downs?).

Thinking Beyond Repair

Problems with relationships can be evident when couples think beyond repair and correction. Comparison and superior thinking can upset relationships slowly and create pitfalls which may eventually become irreparable.

Successful relationships entail integration of two minds into one. Both partners need to understand that success for one is success for both while failure of one means failure for both. Celebration and concerns are meant for both partners. When both partners do not think for the sake of thinking but proving themselves and their superiority, problems abound. When you love your partner, you do not look down the fears of your partner. Depicting judgmental behavior can be an outcome of superior or inferior thinking, which seems an expression of ego, not love.

Imbalance Between Career and Relationship

Modern day relationships may begin at ambitious career junctions but they are also susceptible to end at career crossroads. Relationship can be taken so much for granted that it creates instability between both these crucial aspects of life.

6 Evident Problems With Couples Relationships

The strong need for self-identity and self-worth easily overpowers the tenderness of companionship and starts digging grave for relationship to halt forever. Career is destined to make life better and relationship is meant to advance life towards bliss. If both are not balancing each other, both are likely to become rivals soon instead of associates.

Extra Marital Affair and Infidelity

When a person is unable to handle one partner, it is likely he/she will not be able to handle another. And this conflict is bound to cause problems in relationships!

For some couples, infidelity or extra marital affair may not bring the end of their relationships. It may be an opportunity to amend the relationship, although not always. If both can understand that they need each other and are complementary (rather than contradictory), there can be reason to expect revival of relationship. However, it is extremely difficult to gain trust once lost and often leads to the death of relationships.

Also Read

Five Best Relationship Tips for Couples
Top 4 Relationship Problems
How to Work Through Relationship Problems
4 Ways to Deal With Marriage Problems

Divergent Parenting Skills

He wanting the child to train for football and you wanting to give music lessons is not unusual. But arriving at a meaningful conclusion is crucial. Parenting skills are important elements which couples should not ignore. Divergent parenting skills can create conflicting situations and reduce the rewards of parenting.

Parenting should not be a battle ground for proving individual worth and say. If this is the case, the relationship is prone to become complicated.

Difficult Finding Love and Intimacy

Love is spontaneous and integral to a relationship. If you are not in love with your partner, you do not need him/her or lack excitement while connecting with your partner, you may be experiencing problem in your relationship. However, physical and emotional conditions can also reduce love and sexual intimacy between partners.

6 Evident Problems With Couples Relationships

Changing sexual desire is natural in a relationship. But if it dies away completely, it is indicative of problems with relationships.?Spending quality time together is important for couples to let their relationships blossom and thrive. Being too hard pressed to find sometime exclusively for each other can be a problematic sign needing quick resolution.

Relationships are melodious when couples strike complementary strings; otherwise, there can be more of noise than music.

6 Evident Problems With Couples Relationships, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Source: http://www.ayushveda.com/magazine/6-evident-problems-with-couples-relationships/

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