Monday, February 18, 2013

When Should You Doubt Your Personal Trainer? : Online ... - Amino Z

February 18th, 2013 posted by poch

If you are getting great results with your certified personal trainer, there may be no reason to doubt him or her at all.

However, if by chance you stumble upon a trainer you are having some doubts about, it may be time for a reality check. After all, not all trainers can be trusted.

Here are some warning signs you should look out for:

  • There is no chemistry?a trainer?s primary goal is to motivate you to be able to train to the best of your ability. If you cannot establish some sort of chemistry or rapport with your trainer, then it may be time to look for somebody else. If you feel that a clash in personality is brewing, it is better to bail early than suffer in the long run.
  • Your trainer is not in shape?would you take exercise and nutrition advice from a personal trainer who has a protruding belly? ?Of course not! Size up your potential trainer carefully. If he or she has the figure you are aiming for, it may be your best bet to get his or her services.
  • You are not learning anything?trainers are also teachers. You should be able to apply the knowledge they impart on you on those occasions when you work on your fitness goals independently. The more practical the fitness advice a certified personal trainer dispenses, the better. Not being able to absorb and apply much-needed fitness know-how from your trainer can be a recipe for disaster down the track.
  • The first thing your trainer mentions is money?this may be indicative of what is really important to a trainer. For him or her, profit may take precedence over your well-being and this is definitely not worth it.
  • You are constantly getting injured?feeling sore or getting injured is not unavoidable. However, if these nagging injuries become repetitive in nature, there may be something wrong with your fitness programme.
  • Your trainer is always late?if your trainer doesn?t know how to respect your time, then he or she is simply not worth it.
  • You?re not being challenged enough?simply going through the motions will not deliver spectacular results. If you feel this is the case, then let your personal trainer know so the necessary challenges can be made. Otherwise, it may better to bail out and seek professional help elsewhere.

There are other warning signs to look out for, and they are relative in nature. The important thing to remember is to always go with your gut. If you are not getting the results you desire no matter how hard you try to pay attention to all of the other intangibles?good nutrition, enough sleep and sound supplementation?then it may be time for a reality check.

Your certified personal trainer is just one way of helping you conquer your fitness goals. If your trainer simply isn?t working out according to plan, you may be better off getting a new one.

No doubts about it.



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